GP Consultation
- Age
- Under 14
- 14-17
- 18 and Over
- Trimester 1 (12 weeks pregnant)
- Enrolled
- Free
- $13
- $29.5
- Free (Pregnancy related)
- Enrolled + Csc Card
- Free
- $13
- $19.5
- Free (Pregnancy related)
- non-Enrolled
- $55
- $65
- $100
- N/A
Immigration Exam
- General / Limited Exam : Children
- $95 + any extra
- General Exam (Age 15 and Over)
- $240
- General Exam + X Ray (Age 15 and Over)
- $335
- X-Ray
- $130
ACC Consultation
- Age
- Any Age
- Enrolled
- $40
- non-Enrolled
- $100
Repeat Prescription
- Age
- Under 14
- 14-17
- 18 and Over
- Enrolled
- Free
- $5
- $14
- Enrolled + Csc Card
- Free
- $5
- $20
- non-Enrolled
- $50
- $50
- $60
Work and Income (WINZ)
- Age
- Any Age
- Enrolled
- $40
- Enrolled + Csc Card
- $29.5
- non-Enrolled
- $100
Driver License (DL9 / DL12)
- Age
- Over 16
- Enrolled
- $100
- Enrolled + Csc Card
- $100
- non-Enrolled
- $100
Nurse Service
- Age
- Swab
- Smear
- Injection
- Blood Drawing
- Blood Pressure Measuring
- Ear Syringing
- Wound Care / Remove stitches
- Immunisation plan
- Enrolled
- $46
- $46
- $25 per injection
- $25
- $10
- $25 each ear
- $25 *
- $45
- Enrolled + Csc Card
- $55
- $56 or Free**
- $30 per injection
- $25
- $10
- $35 each ear
- $35 ***
- $55
- non-Enrolled
- $55 + lab testing fee
- $130
- $30 per injection
- $25
- $20
- $45 each ear
- $45 ***
- N/A
- * After first 5 stitches, $5 per stitch
- ** Please advise receptionist for eligibility
- *** After first 5 stitches, $15 per stitch
- Service
- Medical Note Printing
- Signoff Insurance / others document
- Enrolled + Csc Card
- $5 / 10 pages
- $100
- non-Enrolled
- $5 / 10 pages
- $100